I think the most successful people in life; home, work, social, are surely the ones who smile the most. Glass half full types. Miserable arses - get little or nowhere because eventually someone will realise that they're really just a miserable auld moose.
Today, for example, I was in Pret A Manger for my usual (white filter, 99p, no nonsense) and sat down to read Lindsey Kelk's 'I Heart Paris'. It's a political commentary on Parisian ... no it definitely isn't; it's pure indulgent fabulous chick lit. Judge away haters. So I had a bag or two, (eight) and was shuffling towards a window seat, muttering my apologies, and someone tutted. I stopped. I turned. And then I saw ... middle to old age, woman, her style left a lot to be desired, and it had definitely come from her. The tut that is. So I made a point of, sweetly, without a hint of sarcasm, offering a direct apology to her. I probably hadn't even touched her she was just obviously the sort of woman who's day went by a bit quicker is she spread her venom around town. And, you know, it just made me think... how can some people go through an entire day occupying themselves with being a miseryyyy?
I make a point (I understand this would not wash in London) of smiling at people if I pass them at a reasonable proximity in the street. Complete strangers that is. I mean, I wouldn't be waving to folk I didn't know on the other side of the road but say you pass someone, and you both make brief eye contact, why not smile? It's polite. It might even make yours or the other persons day. To share in a wee bit of humanity. And a smile is universal - no matter what language you speak, a smile is a nice, warm hello. So come on people, crack a smile eh.
Time for a gin.
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